What’s lurking in your house that could make your pet sick? Turns out, lots of things.
National Animal Poison Prevention Week is March 17—23, and we want you to be aware of substances that should stay out of paw’s reach!
- Human medications. Keep them in sealed containers and locked away as pets might see loose pills and think they’re treats.
- Plants. Dogs and cats like to chew on plants, but some can make your pet very ill. The most common toxic plants are azaleas, lilies, daffodils and tulips.
- Antifreeze. Antifreeze tastes sweet to pets, but even small amounts can be fatal. The poisonous substance in antifreeze is ethylene glycol—so to limit the danger, consider switching to an antifreeze that contains propylene glycol instead.
- Rat poisons and slug & snail bait. Even if the box says “pet safe”, these products contain substances that can be as deadly to your pet as they are to the critters you want to eliminate. Avoid having them in your home and choose non-toxic options for pest control.
- Cannabis. Legalization of marijuana has resulted in an over 400% increase in the number of calls to animal poison helplines in the past few years. While cannabidiol (CBD) oils without THC are now used to treat some conditions in pets, any formulations of cannabis that contain THC can be toxic to animals. Cannabis products for human consumption should be kept well out of reach of pets
—and that includes exposure to second-hand smoke. - Second hand smoke. Pet are susceptible to the effects of second-hand smoke. Prolonged exposure can increase their risks of cancer. The best steps you can take is to refrain from smoking around them and insure a smoke-free environment.
If you believe your pet has been poisoned or ingested something that could be toxic, contact us as soon as possible by calling 425-823-8411. The ASPCA’S Poison Control Website and Helpline is another great resource for immediate assistance. Be safe!