As pet owners, it’s not unlikely that you’ve heard of heartworm disease. While not overly common here in northwest Washington, it’s still important to note the cause and implications of these little pests. Dogs and cats can contract heartworms when bitten by infected mosquitos leaving baby heartworm larvae inside your pet. The worms grow up and move on to live in the heart, lungs and blood vessels of infected animals, which is very serious for pets and can result in heart failure, lung disease and even death.
We are indeed lucky to live in an area where this parasite is not of great concern, but it can be incredibly serious in different parts of the country. For this reason, we necessitate that your pet be put on preventatives before joining you on any out-of-state trips this summer. Because heartworm preventatives are a prescription-only medication, it would be a good idea to call 425-823-8411 or set up an appointment online soon so that you’re pet will be ready to take on the adventures of the summer months!
If you’d like to learn more about heartworms, feel free to reach out or utilize the database of pet health articles we have available on our website!