Do you have a new puppy or kitten? Congratulations! A new furry friend is always cause for celebration. We can help your furry baby start off on the right paw with these important steps.
Vaccinations with boosters are especially important for young puppies and kittens as they do not have full immunity from many serious infectious diseases. For example, the parvo virus in dogs and panleukopenia in cats are both deadly gastrointestinal diseases. It’s critical to ensure your puppy or kitten has completed the entire series of combo vaccinations to keep him or her protected.
A wellness visit is important because this exam helps us detect any possible health problems early. Common, treatable problems can be found before they are noticed by their owners.
Spaying or neutering your pet has health benefits, in addition to helping with pet overpopulation. Spaying your puppy or kitten before her first heat offers the best protection from uterine infections and breast tumors. Neutering yourmale pet helps prevent testicular cancer and certain prostate problems.
Amicrochip provides secure, reliable and permanent identification, which greatly increases the likelihood that your pet, if lost, will be returned home to you.
Fleas, ticks and heartworm-carrying mosquitoes are out in full force, especially in our hotter summer weather. We can help you choose the best parasite preventions for your pet.
We are also happy to answer any nutritional and behavioral questions you may have. Give us a call at 425-823-8411 for an appointment, or book one online.